Monday, March 31, 2008

I will be an April fool forever

The same thing happens to me around the same time every year. I get a little melancholy towards the middle of March and I don’t know why. Mind you, I said the same thing happens to me around the same time every year. I guess it’s my mind’s way of protecting me from the pain that soon follows.

Right around the 31st of March I begin to figure it out. Magically it all falls into place. April 1st is the date of my grandmother’s birthday. And I loved me some grandma.

My grandmother had such fun with April fool’s day. She would trick you first thing in the morning and all throughout the day and she loved it. When waking up at six in the morning the last thing on your mind was that grandma was playing a joke on you. Hands down she was the best. So when April fool’s day rolls around year after year it just reminds me of how much I miss her.

So here I am up at 12:40 in the morning on April 1st sitting here remembering her. Then I think about my mother and my aunts and uncles and wonder does this day affect them the way it does me.

So with a mixture of sadness and happiness I enjoy April fool’s Day. Because it’s my way of saying happy birthday and I miss you grandma.